

One Case of CSA Syndrome Caused by Broadening in Cavity of Septum Pellucidum
摘要 中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停(CSA)的特点是睡眠时因中枢驱动功能受损而引起的反复气流中断。笔者在临床中见一例35岁无基础疾病的睡眠打鼾的中青年患者,经PSG监测诊断为中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征:透明隔间腔及V氏间腔增宽。笔者考虑其CSA可能与透明隔间腔增宽致控制睡眠的相关中枢驱动功能受损有关。经伺服通气呼吸机治疗后,患者微觉醒指数、AHI、氧减饱和指数、呼吸暂停-低通气时间均明显降低,睡眠结构恢复正常,睡眠质量明显改善。现报道如下。 The characteristic of CSA( central sleep apnea) is the frequent air current interruptions caused by the damage to the function of central drive during sleep. Clinically,a 35-year-old patient,snoring without basic diseases,was diagnosed as having CSA by PSG monitoring and the broadening in both cavity of septum pellucidum and V-cavity by head MRI. The writer thought that the CSA syndrome was probably related to the damage to the sleep-related central drive function caused by the broadening in the cavity of septum pellucidum. After the treatment by ASV( auto servo ventilator),the patient's micro-arousal index,AHI,oxyhemoglobin desaturation index and apnea-hypopnea time have reduced significantly,his sleep structure has switched back,and the sleep quality has improved significantly. The details of the case will be reported as follows.
出处 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 2017年第6期380-383,共4页 World Journal of Sleep Medicine
关键词 透明隔腔(CSP) 中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(CSA) 伺服通气呼吸机(ASV) Cavity of septum pellucidum Central sleep apnea Auto servo ventilator
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