目的了解福建省免疫规划人力资源配置现状,为科学配置免疫规划人力资源提供参考。方法对福建省2016年各级疾病预防控制机构免疫规划人力资源相关情况进行调查。结果 2016年福建省从事免疫规划专职人员3 824人,其中市级54人,县级269人,乡级3 506人;与常住人口总数之比为0.92/万,与<6岁儿童数之比为0.70‰。全省免疫规划人员中30~39岁占36.88%;中专学历占37.48%;初级职称占60.02%;从事免疫规划工作年限<5年的占41.11%。不同级别之间学历、技术职称、工作年限分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),县级和乡级人员学历偏低,中专及以下分别占24.16%和44.07%,职称均以初级为主,分别占43.49%和61.67%。结论福建省免疫规划人员数量不足,人员学历、职称结构不合理,基层免疫规划人员尤其明显。
Objective To understand the status of human resource allocation of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPl)in Fujian province,so as to provide scientific basis for better allocation in human resources. Methods A questionnaire-based survey was conducted at each level of EPI institutions. Results In 2016, there were altogether 3 824 EPI employees in Fujian province4,54 were municipal,269 were county-level and 3 506 were town level. There were 0. 92 EPI workers per ten thousand residents, and 0. 70 workers per thousand children below 6 years old. Of the total EPI staff, 36. 88% were 30-39 years old;37. 48% had educational backgrounds from a technical secondary school,and 60.02 % were junior titles. 41.11% worked less than 5 years. There were significant differences in educational background, professional titles, and working years among different administrative levels. Secondary education or below at the county and town levels accounted for 24. 16% and 44.07% ,43.49% and 61.67% were junior titles. Conclusion The number of EPI start in Fujian province is insufficient, the structure of educational background and professional titles are not reasonable, especially for the grassroots EPI staff.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Immunization program
Human resources
Cross-sectional investigation