给出了物种种性漂移的定义 ,分析了物种机械学种性漂移、生物学种性漂移、遗传学种性漂移、气候学种性漂移和农艺学种性漂移的成因 ,提出了用于界定物种种性漂移的算术分析法和统计分析法 ,并用之对水稻单穗粒重性状因播期影响而发生的漂移进行了界定 。
The specific characteristic drift(SCD) in species was defined, and the causes of formation on mechanical SCD(MSCD), biological SCD(BSCD), genetic SCD(GSCD), climatological SCD(CSCD) and agronomic SCD(ASCD) were analyzed. The methods of arithmetic analysis (MAA) and of statistical analysis(MSA) for delimiting SCD were given in this paper. MAA and MSA were used for delimiting the characteristic drift of grain weight per panicle (GWP) which was influenced by seeding time in rice. Such problems as countermeasures against SCD were also discussed at the end of the paper.
Journal of Gansu Sciences