
TPACK视域下成人高校教师教学能力提升策略 被引量:1

Strategies for Improving Teaching Ability of Adult College Teachers from the Perspective of TRACK
摘要 成人高校教师的教学能力直接影响着成人高校的教学质量,如何有效提升成人高校教师教学能力尤为重要。借助整合技术的学科教学知识,探究TPACK对成人高校教师教学能力提升的影响及整合TPACK于教师专业发展的方法,总结出整合技术的学科教学知识于教师教学能力提升的五大策略:教学能力提升之教师TPACK磨练策略、教师促进和激励学生的策略、设计与开发数字化学习的策略、展示数字时代工作与学习的策略、教学过程中经验塔应用的策略。研究成果为成人高校教师教学能力提升提供了可借鉴的策略。 It is easy to find that adult college teacher's teaching ability can directly influence their teaching quality.Similarly,it is sure that how to improve the teaching ability of adult college teachers is extremely important.With the development of integrated teaching technology,it is essential to explore the influence of adult college teacher's teaching and integrate the method on TPACK.Then,the paper tries to sum up knowledge of integrated teaching technology and put through five strategies such as strategies for teaching ability improvement on TPACK,strategies for teachers promoting and motivating students,strategies for design and development of e-learning,strategies for work and study in the digital age and strategies for application of experience tower in teaching process.Clearly,the results of this study can provide a reference for the improvement of teachers' teaching ability.
作者 孙伟 刘迪昱
出处 《湖北成人教育学院学报》 2018年第1期14-19,共6页 Journal of Hubei Adult Education Institute
基金 四川广播电视大学科研课题(KTGCJS2016001Q) 四川省教育厅科研课题(15ZB0437)
关键词 整合技术 TPACK 成人高校 教学能力 Integrated technology TPACK adult college teaching ability
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