
定容燃烧弹实验系统及C_7燃料火焰速度测量 被引量:1

Experimental system of constant volume combustion bomb and measurement of C_7 fuels flame speeds
摘要 设计并搭建了适用于测量高温、高压条件下层流火焰传播速度的定容燃烧弹实验系统。详细介绍了定容燃烧弹实验系统的主要子系统的构成和功能,并阐述实验数据处理方法。测量初始温度为400K、压力为0.1MPa和0.3MPa,C7燃料(甲苯、甲基环己烷、正庚烷)/空气层流火焰传播速度,并与现有文献结果进行了对比。结果表明:该定容燃烧弹实验系统具有较高的可靠性,不仅能够准确测量较高初始温度、不同初始压力条件下燃料/空气的层流火焰传播速度,而且能够拓宽测量火焰传播速度当量比的范围。 The experimental system of constant volume combustion bomb for measuring laminar flame speed under the conditions of high temperature and pressure was designed and built.The composition and function of main sub-systems,and the data processing method were introduced in detail.Moreover,at 400 Ktemperature and 0.1,0.3MPa pressures the laminar flame speeds of C7 Fuels including toluene/methylcyclohexane/n-heptane were measured,and compared with existing literature results.Results indicate that the experimental system has high reliability.Using this experimental system,laminar flame speeds can be accurately measured at high temperatures and elevated pressures,meanwhile the range of equivalence ratios can be extended.
作者 郑东 钟北京
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期2364-2370,共7页 Journal of Aerospace Power
基金 国家自然科学基金(91441113)
关键词 层流火焰传播速度 定容燃烧弹 纹影法 球形火焰 马克斯坦长度 laminar flame propagation speed constant volume combustion bomb schlieren method spherical flame Markstein length
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