应用气相色谱 -质谱选择离子法同时测定化妆品中 6种防晒剂 (水杨酸苯酯、水杨酸高 艹孟 酯、对羟基苯甲酮、对 -甲氧基肉桂酸 - 2 -乙基己酯、二苯甲酮、3- (4’ -甲基亚苄基 ) -樟脑 )。用甲醇为提取剂来进行超声快速提取 ,方法简单、快速、准确 ,6种防晒剂的平均回收率 (n =5 )在 94 .3- 10 6 .6 %之间 ,相对标准偏差 (n =5 )在 0 .36 - 1.72 %之间 ,最低检测限在 0 .0 1~ 0 .
A new method for determination of six sunscreen agents in cosmetics by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-selected ion storage (GC/MS-SIS) was developed. The sunscreen agents in samples were extracted by methanol. The m/z 121, 105, 121, 138, 254 and 178 were quantitative ion for six sunscreen agents (4-Acetophenol, Benzophenone, Salol, Homosalate, Eusolex 6300 and Parsol MCX), respectively. The method is simple, rapid and accurate. The recoveries (n=5) were 94.3%~106.6% and relative standard deviation (RSD) (n=5) ranged from 0.36% to 1.72%, and the detection limit varied from 0.01ng to 0.1ng.
Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics