
空间绳系组合体拖曳动力学分析及振动控制 被引量:8

Dynamic Analysis and Vibration Control of Space Towing Tethered-combination
摘要 空间绳系捕获系统捕获目标物后的组合体在拖曳离轨过程中常产生振动,为此,建立了切向连续推力作用下的空间拖曳绳系组合体面内动力学模型,并对模型进行了横向摆动与纵向振动耦合分析。针对组合体的纵向振动问题提出了一种以张力控制为内环、速度控制为外环的双闭环振动控制策略。进行了振动控制仿真分析,并根据动力学的相似性,建立地面模拟实验系统,仿真与实验结果表明该控制策略可迅速抑制组合体纵向振动、减小系绳冲击并可避免出现系绳松弛现象。 Vibration usually occurs in the towing deorbiting of a space tethered-combination after target capturing. In this paper, a dynamic model of the space towing tethered-combination under the continuous tangential thrust is established. Coupling between the transverse libration and longitudinal vibration is analyzed. A double closed-loop control strategy with an inner tension loop and an outer velocity loop is proposed for the control of the longitudinal vibration. The numerical simulation is conducted and the ground experimental system is built based on the dynamic similarity. The results show that the proposed control strategy manages to suppress the longitudinal vibration of the tethered-combination, to reduce the tether impact and to avoid tether slacking.
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期131-138,共8页 Journal of Astronautics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51475411) 浙江省自然科学基金(LQ17E050011)
关键词 空间绳系组合体 拖曳离轨 耦合分析 双闭环 振动控制 Space tethered-combination Towing deorbiting Coupling analysis Double closed-loop Vibrationcontrol
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