The given paper is inclined to present a quality evaluation model for the longtime-forsaken tunnels based on the cloud model theory. As a matter of fact, the evaluation index system of the initial support quality of the forsaken tunnels should be established based on the 8 first-level evaluation indicators, including the water leakage, the steel-plate deterioration or getting rusty, and the anchorage effect, etc. In order to convert the qualitative indexes in the indicative system into the quantitative description indexes, we have managed to identify and determined the weights of the evaluation factors via the analytic hierarchical process, which can be divided into 4 grades, namely, B (better) , 1A (general), 2A (range), and 3A (poor) , based on the cloud model theory, whereas the forward cloud generator FCG can be used to generate the expected value En, the positive random number X, the cloud droplet and the other quantization items. According to the two boundary constraints [ Imin, Imax ] of the evaluation grades and the formula Ex = (Imin + Imax, ) / 2, En = (Imax - Imin ) / 6, He = K ( its coefficient K is set to 0. 02 ), we have worked out the cloud model parameters En and He. And, next, the comprehensive deterministic factor Y can be deduced to be equal to the accumulated product of each index weight and its corresponding definite degree. Thus, finally, taking the advantage of the maximum membership principle, we can deduce the quality grade of the initial or original support of the tunnel that have been forsaken for a long-lasting period. Based on this model theory, the quality evaluation of the initial support of the two tunnels that have been shut down for long years should have been generally biased poor. The results of our study have thus been proven well in agreement with the results of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. Hence, the cloud model has thus been verified feasible and rational and in turn can be expected to provide an innovative idea or thinking line for similar research areas.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
longtime shutdown tunnel
initial support
cloud model
quality evaluation