
2007—2014年中国煤矿井下工人心理健康状况研究 被引量:9

On the mental health evaluation of the underground coal miners in the country in the period from 2007 to 2014
摘要 为研究我国煤矿井下工人的心理健康状况随年代的变迁,采用传统元分析与横断历史研究相结合的方式,通过文献检索,选取2007—2014年间采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)所得的符合要求的25组数据,分析了13 031名煤矿井下工人在该量表9个因子上的得分随年代的变化情况。结果表明:1)煤矿井下工人SCL-90各因子均值与年代均呈负相关(-0.55^-0.05),且在“躯体化”、“强迫”、“人际关系敏感”、“抑郁”、“敌对”方面的年代效益显著;比较2007年与2014年煤矿井下矿工SCL-90各因子的均值后发现,各因子均值在2007年较在2014年减小了0.37~0.55个标准差(即效果值d),表明2007年以来,煤矿井下工人的心理问题越来越少,心理健康水平稳步提高;2)与成人男性常模相比,煤矿井下工人SCL-90各因子的效果值均大于“0”,尤其是“躯体化”(d=0.53)和“恐怖”(d=0.33)的效果量皆为中,且置信区间不含“0”,显然在“躯体化”和“恐怖”方面的差异还较显著,表明煤矿井下工人在这两方面的心理问题比较突出。 This paper is aimed at presenting its study results over the mental health evaluation of the underground coal miners in the country in the period from 2007 to 2014 by using a Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL - 90). As is known, traditionally meta-analysis and cross-temporal meta-analysis have been used to investigate and pursue the changes of the mental health of the underground working coal miners, e.g. during the period from 2007 to 2014. Yet, we have adopted the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL - 90) for the purpose which includes 18 published study results of the mental health (N = 13031 ) as our case study sample. And, for the study objective, we have gathered and compared different means and the standard deviations of the 9 dimensions of SCL - 90 during the said period. The results of our investigation and analysis have shown that : ( 1 ) The above mentioned nine SCL - 90 dimensions have been found negatively correlated with the data collection ( - 0. 05 ) -( - 0. 55 ) of the assigned years, which suggests that the mental effect of the underground working coal miners has been decreasing with the average effect extent ranging from 0. 37 to 0. 55. This implies that the mental health severity of the coal miners had increased steadily from 2007 but dropped since 2114. (2) Comparing the underground-working coal miners with the regular adult male workers, the average effect dimensions of all SCL- 90 turn to be positive (0. 03 -0. 53 ), especially the average effect extent of "the somatization" (0. 53 ) and "horror" (0. 33 ) tends to be moderate and their confidence intervals may not include "0", which indicates that the coal miners' psychological problems in the above two aspects remain more serious. Since this is probably the first-time investigation to discuss the mental health changes of the coal miners in the country by using the traditional meta-analysis and cross-temporal meta-analysis, it may predict to the changes in the psychological trends among the underground coal miners. The results we have gained in this paper can be expected to provide somewhat quantitative ground for the their safety management. We have also offered some appropriate psychological interventions for the individuals who have the prominent symptoms on "somatization" and "horror", we do think that it is necessary to conduct repetitive psychological assessments, so as to understand their actual mental state and promote their mental health by taking available measures.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期176-181,共6页 Journal of Safety and Environment
关键词 安全管理工程 煤矿井下工人 心理健康 SCL-90 元分析 横断历史研究 safety control underground coal miners mental health SCL - 90 meta-analysis cross-temporal meta-analysis
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