
从《小说理论》到《历史与阶级意识》——青年卢卡奇从悲剧问题走向马克思主义的思想历程 被引量:3

From The Theory of the Novel to the History and Class Consciousness:Young Lukács' Road from Tragedy Problem to Marxism
摘要 对于卢卡奇的两个主要领域即文艺批评与哲学之间的思想理论,以及1915年前卢卡奇的思想发展轨迹,学界尚无系统的研究。然而,这方面的研究不仅对于定位青年卢卡奇思想,更是对整个西方马克思主义的理论定向与理论意义,至关重要。卢卡奇曾在《小说理论》62年版序言中直言,以布洛赫、阿多诺为代表的西方马克思主义者,都隶属于《小说理论》所奠定的"反资本主义的浪漫主义"这一传统。而想要建立卢卡奇文学批判、哲学与马克思主义三者间的学术桥梁,就必须追问卢卡奇早年从事文艺批评的问题意识与动机。与马克思不同,以卢卡奇为代表的西方马克思主义者所面临的思想难题,源于其身处的欧洲文明危机。在这一背景下,卢卡奇为寻求解决危机之路,将目光投向了"悲剧"。"悲剧"作为"危机"的艺术,不仅尝试以艺术的方式模仿"危机",而且试图给出超越"危机"的艺术解答。但现代悲剧在现时代的日渐式微,迫使卢卡奇转向了"小说",并由此在《小说理论》中指出了一条以"反讽"为特质的艺术救赎之路。不过,经由马克斯·韦伯,卢卡奇意识到了现代资产阶级生活中无以逃遁的"物化命运",这一方面标志着文明危机内在机制的复杂难解,另一方面也宣告了艺术救赎之路的不再可能。面对"物化"问题,卢卡奇转向马克思的思想资源,并结合黑格尔与韦伯的思想,写下了《历史与阶级意识》。至此,青年卢卡奇从以悲剧问题为核心的文艺理论,终于转向了黑格尔主义—马克思主义哲学。 There has been no systematic research on the relationship of Lukács' literary criticism and his philosophy,his two main fields before 1915. But such kind of research will play the key role in making sense of not only Young Lukács' thought,but also the whole tradition of Western Marxism. In the preface to the 1962 edition of The Theory of the Novel,Lukács claimed that Western Marxists were represented by Bloch and Adorno who followed the path of"romantic anti-capitalism"in The Theory of the Novel. It is necessary to articulate the theoretical problem and purpose of Lukács' pursuit for literature criticism in order to bridge the connections of literary criticism,philosophy and Marxism. The crisis of European civilization has formed the theoretical standing point of Lukács and the following Western Marxist philosophers,which is different from Karl Marx. In Lukács' search of the remedy for the crisis,he first focused on tragedy,and then turned to novel since modern tragedy faded away. He tried to pave the way of facing up with crisis by the means of irony,which had been systematically argued in The Theory of the Novel. Finally,with the help of Max Weber,Lukács recognized the fate of reification in modern bourgeois societies which showed a complex picture of modern capitalist society and indicated the failure of artistic redemption. Confronted with the problem of reification,Lukács turned to Marxist philosophy and then accomplished History and Class Consciousness in light of the thoughts of Hegel-Marx-Weber.
作者 陆凯华
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期47-54,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 卢卡奇 《小说理论》 《历史与阶级意识》 悲剧 欧洲文明危机 Lukdcs The Theory of the Novel History and Class Consciousness tragedy crisis of European civilization
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