2Engineering Global Leadership Honors Program, University of Michigan (http://www. engin, umich, edu/egl/).
3Engineering Leadership Development Minor, Penn State Uni- versity (http: ///www. sedtapp, psu. edu/leadership/index. php).
4Engineering Leadership Program, Iowa State University (ht- tp://www--archive, engineering, iastate, edu/leadership, ht- ml).
5Gordon--MIT Engineering Leadership Program, MIT (http: //web. mit. edu/gordonelp).
6Engineering Leadership Advanced Award Scheme for Under- graduates, Royal Academy of Engineering (http: //www. raeng, org. uk/education/undergrad/ela/default, htm).
7Teamwork and Leadership Module, Civil and Building Engi- neering, University of Loughhorough (http://luis. lboro, ae. uk/epublie/WPS015, module- spee? seleet- mod 11CVD017).
8Leaders of Tomorrow, University of Toronto (http: //www. lot. engineering, utoronto, ca/Page4, aspx).
9Leadership in a Technological Environment, Monash Universi- ty (http: // www. eng. monash, edu. au/current- students/ merit/leadership/).