介绍了用Microcal Origin软件进行实验数据处理与线性拟合并进行系统误差修正的具体方法.以验证马吕斯定律实验中入射光振动方向与检偏器主截面之间的夹角θ和通过光电探测器探测到的光电流强度Iθ的数据处理以及Iθ~cos2θ线性拟合为例,并找出系统误差,对测量结果进行修正,展现了Origin软件的便捷、高效、直观等优点.
The paper introduces the specific method of experimental data processing,linear fitting and correction for systematic error with Microcal Origin software. To take validating the Malus law for instance, processing the data of the angle between the vibration direction of the incident light and the partial detector main section and the photo-current intensity detected by the photodetector,fitting the line of Iθ- cos2θ,then finding the system error,to modify the measured results. It shows the advantages of Microcal Origin software:convenient, efficient and intuitive.
Physics Bulletin