
“产”字声母演变的时间线--从所简切到楚简切 被引量:5

The evolution timeline of the initial consonant of chan(产)
摘要 本文讨论三个问题。一是利用现有的方言调查报告,描述现代汉语方言"产"字读所简切、楚简切的地理分布;二是根据韵书、字书、地方志等的记载,借助"语言演变时间线"的概念和方式,勾勒出"产"字声母从擦音变为塞擦音的演变轨迹以及时间序列;三是指出审母在汉语方言的演变过程中有两条发展路向:主要的路向是古今都读擦音声母,次要的演变路向就是读塞擦音声母。"产"字由所简切演变到楚简切,遵循的就是审母字读音的第二规则。据此,不宜把"产"字声母的演变,简单看作是古代审母读音规律的例外字。 This paper focuses on three aspects of the Chinese character chan( 产). Firstly,it presents the current geographical distribution of the two pronunciations of the character chan( 产) as reflected in the fanqie spellings suojian( 所简) and chujian( 楚简) based on modern dialect data. Secondly,it reviews the timeline of the phonetic evolution for these two pronunciations through an examination of rhyme books,dictionaries and chorographies. Lastly,this paper concludes with a general discussion of pertinent data in modern dialects and historical records,pointing out that the evolution of chan's initial consonant from [s]/[■] to [ts^h]/[■~h]follows the second development path of the shen( 审) initial.
作者 罗福腾
出处 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期131-142,共12页 Studies of the Chinese Language
关键词 所简切 楚简切 语言演变时间线 chan(产) phonetic evolution language evolution timeline
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