Doping is a key operation to induce superconductivity.Parent materials do not exhibit superconductivity in most cases of high Tcsystems but convert into superconductor when carriers are doped.Doping of impurity diminishes the long range ordering of spin,charge and/or orbitals,and superconductivity emerges in the neighbor of boundary between ordered and non-ordered phases.The parent phase of high-Tccuprate superconductors
Doping is a key operation to induce superconductivity. Parent materials do not exhibit superconductivity in most cases of high Tc systems but convert into superconductor when carriers are doped. Doping of impurity diminishes the long range ordering of spin, charge and/or orbitals, and superconductivity emerges in the neighbor of boundary between ordered and non-ordered phases. The parent phase of high-Tc cuprate superconductors is antiferromagnetic Mott insulators, while that of iron-based superconductors (IBSCs) is antiferromagnetic sernimetals.