The world economic growth rate reaches around 3.6% in 2017 cal- culated in PPP terms, and 3.0% in market exchange rates terms, which has clearly picked up with continuous im- provement in labor market, moderate rise in global price level and increase in international trade gro^dh rate. Howev- er, at the same time, the foundation for world economic recovery is still not sol- id, while long-term international trade factors supporting rapid growth have yet to take shape. American fiscal and monetary policies are to generate large negative spillover effects upon world economy; the trend of de-globalization and trade and investment protectionism are on the rise; debt overhang problem are becoming more and more severe; asset bubble may burst anytime. Other problems like geopolitical risks and terrorism are exerting influences on the stability and development of world economy as well.
The world economic growth rate reaches around 3.6%in 2017 calculated in PPP terms,and 3.0%in market exchange rates terms,which has clearly picked up with continuous improvement in labor market,moderate rise in global price level and increase in international trade growth rate.However,at the same time,the foundation for world economic recovery is still not solid,while long-term factors