一年一度的UGC品鉴会堪称业内每年最重要的一场品鉴,笔者自2006年入行起,几乎每一年都参加。今年除了波尔多的UGC Tasting,我还参加了一场Chateaux le Puy的百年垂直品鉴(1917-2017)。到香港赴会前,查询年份表,结果发现总没有一份完整的年份表可以完全用得顺手。不如本期汇总而来,给大家一个工具,一份参考,也权当是对杂志新手小编的一次培训和资料储备。这一期,我们不妨先从全民最关注的法国开始。
The annual UGC tasting should be regarded as one of the most important one in the industry each year. I almost participate every year since 2006.In addition to the Vintage 2014 UGC tasting, I also par ticipated the One Centuries of Wine from Chateaux le Puy 1917-2017 vertical tasting in 2017. Before I go to Hong Kong for the tasting and dinner, I checked the Vintage Chart and found that there was no a perfect one fully cover my need. Then, I try to sum up a Vintage Chart here, to offer you a A General Guide to the Quality and Drinkability of the World’s Wines, so as to training those new editors for our WINE Magazine. Let’s start from France this issue.