2UNESCO. Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. 2006, p. 137, http:// whc. unesco, org/archive/opguide05 - en. pdf.
4Anne Raidl, quoted from Cleere, Henry 1993b: The World Heritage Convention 1972 : Framework for a Global Study ( Cultural Properties). Government of Canada, Department of the Secretary of State, Contract No. K7072-3-0134. Paris, ICOMOS. p. 13.
5Report of The Rapporteur on the Seventeenth Session of the World Heritage Committee. Session. Cartagena, Colombia, 6 - 11 December 1995. http ://whc. unesco, org/archive/.
6Report on the Expert Meeting on Routes as a Part of our Cul- tural Heritage (Madrid, Spain, November 1994). http://whc. unesco, org/archive/routes94, htm#annex3.
8UNESCO. Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. 2005, p. 83. http://whc, unesco. org/archive/opguide05 - en. pdf.
9Cf. Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Modern World - system. London: Academic Press, 1974.
10Wolf, Eric R. , Europe and the People Without History. London: University of California Press, 1982.