The state peasants were one of three major peasants during the Emancipation of Russian Serfs in 1861, and its main difference from the peasants of royal family and the landlords' peasants was the personal rights. The reform o f the state peasants in 1866 was a continuation and expansion of the reform of Russian Serfdom in 1861, and it was the practice that pushed the decrees on February 19th, 1861 to the rural areas, which controlled by the government. But the decrees of the reform in 1866 was not introduced smoothly, for it was only a safe and secure choice after the discussion between the different factions in accordance with the reform ex-perience of the landlords * peasants and the reality of the state peasants. Yet the exercise of the reform law resulted in the drop of land insurance for the state peasants, and their burden of taxation remained as before. The personal rights, as an advantageous factor before the reform, failed to change the fact that the state peasants didn' t turn the same fate as the landlords' peasants after the reform. The result was unavoidable in li^it with the purposes of the state peasants' reform, the drafting of the reform decree, the decree content and its implementation.
The Northern Forum
state peasant
reform decree