

Record and Imagination: A Study on Taijun Takeda's Shanghai Series
摘要 武田泰淳的上海书写主要建立在对自身经历的反复回忆与思索之上,尤其因为1944~1946年间居住于上海,日本战败的经历对其产生了重要影响,令"上海"成为其终身思考及书写的对象。大致而言,其上海书写可分为日本战败前、战败后及晚年三个阶段,《上海之萤》是其"上海"系列文学的总结,内容涵盖作家在阔别上海30年后对昔日上海(中国)、中日关系、世界融合等一系列问题所作的全面思考。这些创作于不同阶段的作品既是作家对自身经历的"记录",亦是其基于自身的历史认知进行的一种文学"想象",其中"上海"形象的演变折射着作家将历史记忆思想化的过程。 Taijun Takeda's Shanghai Series are based on his review and thinking of his Shanghai experience. Especially his experience of accepting the defeat of Japan in World War II in 1945 had a profound influence on him, which kept him thinking and writing all 'Shanghai things' all his life. On the whole, his writing of Shanghai can be separated into three periods : The first period is from 1944 to the defeat of Japan in World War II ; the Sec- ond period is from the defeat of Japan to about 1950 ; the third period is from 1950 to the end of his life. Fireflies in Shanghai is the conclusion of all his thinking about Shanghai, China, the relationship between Japan and China, the fusion of the world and so on in about 30 years after he left Shanghai. In a word, all his works about Shanghai written in different periods in his life can be seen as the 'record' of his Shanghai experience, and his 'Shanghai' is also a kind of literary imagination based on the change of his life and feeling more than a true one. The change of the image of 'Shanghai' in these works is telling the change of his self-awareness and the sublimation of his memory of the war.
作者 匡伶 邱雅芬
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期91-96,共6页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 武田泰淳 上海 《上海之萤》 《蝮蛇的后裔》 《月光都市》 Taijun Takeda Shanghai The Firefly of Shanghai This Outcast Generation The Moonlight City
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