深穿透复合射孔是一项把射孔与高能气体压裂两种技术有机地结合在一起的综合改造油气层的新技术。重点对它的技术原理 ,包括设计原理、枪身内火药燃烧气体对射孔孔眼的冲刷作用原理、火药燃烧气体射流的高能气体压裂作用原理等进行了研究与探讨 ,同时对它的施工工艺、现场应用等方面进行了阐述 ,经中原油田 189口井现场应用证明 ,其工艺简便 ,成本低廉 ,可实现多层跨隔层使用 ,处理后增产效果显著 ,投入产出比高 ,可代替传统的聚能射孔技术 。
Perfo-frac technique of deep penetration is a new technology to improve the performance of reservior. This technology combines perforating with high energy gas fracturing. This paper focuses on its technical principles including design, washing action for perforations resulted from shaped charge explosive gas in gun body and the high energy gas jet fracturing produced by charge explosion. The operational technology and field application are also explained. This technique is simple, convenient with low costs and multi-zone selective perforatings and has been successfully used in 189 wells of Pucheng Oil Field. With this technology, oil production has been increased significantly and productivity enhanced. It can replace traditional shaped-charge shooting and has a wide prospect and application value.
Well Logging Technology