2017年,对于东风汽车股份有限公司来说,是实现突破的一年。通过聚焦客户需求,持续提升产品质量,东风汽车股份实现本部汽车销量达到14.17万辆,同比增长28.5%,高于行业平均增长率,市场占有率6.9%。其中,纯轻卡销售超过7万辆,回归行业三甲。新能源车销售2.8万辆,同比增长200%以上。高端轻型车东风凯普特销售18 372辆,同比增长50%,初现明星车型的潜质。这份成绩单,说明东风汽车股份这个老牌轻型商用车劲旅,已经走出低谷,
In 2017, DEAC used dialectics to understand the relations between product quality and customer satisfaction so as to continually increase product quality. As a result, the total sale volumes reached 141,700 units, an increase of 28.5 % comparing to that of the last year, and the market share was 6.9%. As for 2018, the company set a goal of 157,000 units and will focus much on the highly increase of product quality.
Commercial Vehicle