

The Development of Encryption Techniques for Cloud Email Security
摘要 随着云计算的快速发展,与云邮件系统相关的安全问题越来越受到人们的关注。传统公钥加密技术虽然可以满足云邮件系统的安全性需求,但是在易用性方面却存在严重不足。通过分析传统加密技术存在的不足,探讨前沿的代理重加密和可搜索公钥加密技术在解决云邮件系统的安全性与易用性方面的优势与存在的科学问题。 Along with the rapid development of cloud computing system, the security problems of cloud mail system has attracted many attentions. These problems can be solved by the traditional public-key encryption techniques, but they make the resulted cloud email system inconvenient for users. This paper analyzes the limitations of the tradition encryption techniques, introduces the advantages of some advanced encryption techniques, like proxy re-encryption and searchable public key encryption, and discusses the still existing problems of these techniques.
作者 徐鹏 陈天阳 金海 XU Peng;CHEN Tianyang;JIN Hai(Services Computing Technology and System Lab, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab, School of Computer, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;Shenzhen Huazhong University of Science and Technology Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China)
出处 《信息安全学报》 CSCD 2018年第1期95-110,共16页 Journal of Cyber Security
基金 国家自然科学面上基金(No.61472156) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目 No.2014CB340600) 深圳市基础研究(学科布局)项目(No.JCYJ20170413114215614)资助
关键词 云邮件 安全 基于身份加密 代理重加密 广播加密 可搜索加密 Cloud mail security Identity-Based Encryption Proxy Re-Encryption Broadcast Encryption Searchable Encryption
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