Objective To investigate the surgical approach and efficacy of closed decortication in the treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema. Methods Totally 139 patients of chronic tuberculous empyema treated surgically in Beijing Chest Hospital from September 2012 to September 2015 were assigned randomly into two groups in order to analyze the surgery method and observe the curative effect. Seventy-four patients in the closed pleural decortication group, 52 males, 22 females. 65 patients in the open pleural decortication group, 42 males and 23 females. Results The average operation time and intraoperative blood loss were (168.8 ± 51.5) min and (682.7 ±572.8) ml in closed pleural decortication group compared with (194.7± 68.3) min and (842.3 ± 733.7) ml in the open pleural decortication group.The t values of the two groups were 2.507 and -1.438, the P values were 0.014 and 0.153 respectively, the operative time in closed group is lower, the difference was statistically significant.The average post-operative drainage volume, the average the time and the post-operative hospitalization time were (1937.9 ±1289.0) ml, (7.7 ± 4.6) d and (15.8 ± 7.1) d in closed pleural decortication group eornpare with (1822.5 ± 1558.3) ml, ( 9.0 ± 6.2) d and (17.9 ±10.3) d in the open pleural decortication group.The t values of the two groups were 0,478, -1.388 and -1.384, the P values were 0.633, 0.168 and 0.169 respectively. The curative effect of closed pleural decortication group was better than that of open group. The cure rate of the closed group was 100. 0% (74/74), compared with 69.2% (45/65) of the open group, Fisher exact probability test, P = 0.000, the difference was statistically significant.The incidence ofthoracotomy to stop bleeding, bronchial pleural fistulas, type Ⅱ respiratory failure,hypoproteinemia, lung infection and arrhythmias were 1.4% (1/74), 1.4% (1/74), 1.4% (I/74), 2.7% (2/74), 2.7% (2/74), 1.4% (1/74) in closed group compared with 1.5% (1/65), 6.2% (4/65), 3.1% (2/65), 4.6% (3/65), 9.2% (6/65), 4.6% (3/65) in the open group.The X2 of the two groups were 0.000, 1.125, 0.013, 0.022, 1.648 and 0.410 respectively, P values were 1.000, 0.289, 0.910, 0.883, 0.199, 0.522. The total incidence of postoperative complications was 10.8% (8/74) in the closed group compared with 29.2% (19/65) in the open group. The difference was statistically significant ( X2=10.467, P = 0. 001). Conclusion The choice of surgical treatment in patients with chronic tuberculous empyema is very important. Closed decortieation was shown to have more significant clinical application and value with the advantage of a high cure rate, lower incidence of postoperative inflammatory response and fewer operative complications compared with open decorticationo .
Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor
Empyema, tuberculous
Thoracic surgical procedures
Comparative effectiveness
Stripping of pleural fibrous plate