
虚拟社区用户知识付费意愿实证研究 被引量:65

Empirical Study on Users’ Knowledge Purchase Intention for Virtual Community
摘要 [目的/意义]探索虚拟社区用户知识付费意愿的影响因素,有助于更加深入了解用户在虚拟社区中的知识付费行为,帮助内容创作者和虚拟平台运营商洞悉用户需求,为提高知识服务质量和优化资源配置提供参考。[方法/过程]基于感知价值理论,对虚拟社区用户知识付费行为进行研究,构建知识付费的结构方程模型,揭示影响用户知识付费的关键因素及其机理;采用问卷调查法,搜集321份有效样本数据,在此基础上,利用偏最小二乘结构方程模型方法分析数据。[结果/结论]虚拟社区用户的感知价值显著正向影响其付费意愿;感知利得(感知有用性、感知信任)显著正向影响感知价值,感知利失(感知风险、感知成本)显著负向影响感知价值,且感知价值在感知利得和感知利失对用户付费意愿起到了完全中介作用;口碑负向调节感知价值对付费意愿的影响。 [ Purpose/significance ] To explore the influencing factors of user' s purchase intention for knowledge of virtual community, will help to understand the knowledge payment behavior of users in virtual community, and help knowledge creators and virtual community service providers to understand user' s needs. This paper aims to improve the quality of knowledge and optimize the allocation of resources to provide reference. [ Method/process] Based on the theo- ry of perceived value, this paper studies the knowledge payment behavior of virtual community users, constructs the struc- tural equation model of knowledge payment, reveals the key factors and the mechanism that affect the user' s knowledge payment, and uses the questionnaire survey method to collect 321 valid samples Data. Then it uses partial least squares structural equation model method to analyze the data. [ Result/conclusion] The perceived value of virtual community us- ers significantly affects their purchase intention. Perceived benefit ( perceived usefulness and perceived trust) significantly affect perceived value. Perceived sacrifice (perceived risk and perceived cost) has a significant negative impact on per- ceived value. The perceived value is completely mediated by perceived gains and perceived benefit and sacrifice. The word of mouth negatively moderates the perceived value to the purchase intention.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期105-115,共11页 Library and Information Service
关键词 知识付费 感知价值 口碑 付费意愿 pay for knowledge perceived value word-of-mouth purchase intention
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