【目的】磷是动物必需的矿物质元素之一,在动物生长、发育和生产中发挥着重要作用。但是,动物生产中磷利用效率通常较低,大量未被利用的磷随粪尿排出体外,使得环境中磷不断富集,引起水体富营养化等环境污染。饲料磷水平、磷酸盐的添加量与磷利用效率及粪尿磷排放量密切相关。论文旨在研究中国饲料磷水平及磷酸盐应用现状,为合理利用饲料磷资源和降低粪尿磷的环境影响提供科学依据。【方法】通过分析中国与美国常见畜禽饲养标准,比较不同饲养标准推荐的总磷和非植酸磷需要量的差异;通过对饲料企业调研和饲料样品测定,分析不同饲料中采用的磷酸盐种类、添加量和磷的含量。【结果】与中国饲养标准相比,美国的猪饲养标准未列出非植酸磷的需要量,而是以总磷及标准、表观总肠道可消化磷来表示;美国的蛋鸡、肉仔鸡和肉鸭饲养标准均未列出总磷需要量;中国的奶牛饲养标准后备期、泌乳期和干奶妊娠期牛的磷需要量分别比美国饲养标准高31%、74%和26%;中国产蛋鸡、肉仔鸡饲养后期和肉鸭的饲养标准中非植酸磷需要量(分别为0.32%、0.35%—0.40%、0.35%—0.42%)均高于美国饲养标准(分别为0.25%、0.30%—0.35%、0.30%—0.40%)。中国畜禽饲料中所用的磷酸盐主要为磷酸氢钙,其次是磷酸一二钙和磷酸二氢钙;不同企业生产的同种饲料中磷酸盐添加量、总磷含量及非植酸磷含量差异很大;当前饲料中磷酸钙盐的添加量低于2006年的添加量(分别为8.8和12.0 kg·t-1);企业标准中饲料总磷需要量与实际测定值、中国饲养标准推荐值及2006年调研值基本相同,但是产蛋鸡、小猪和大猪饲料的企业标准推荐的非植酸磷需要量均高于中国和美国饲养标准推荐值。【结论】中国饲养标准推荐的奶牛、产蛋鸡、肉仔鸡后期和肉鸭的磷需要量高于美国饲养标准,饲料中磷酸盐的添加量较10年前降低了3.2 kg·t-1,企业标准的产蛋鸡、小猪和大猪饲料中非植酸磷需要量高于中国和美国饲养标准。建议根据中国畜禽品种和饲料特点,开展磷需要量相关研究,修改畜禽磷需要量推荐标准,同时采用低磷日粮、高利用率磷酸钙盐和添加植酸酶等综合调控措施来提高饲料磷的利用效率,降低粪尿磷对环境的污染。
【Objective】Phosphorus(P) is one of the essential mineral elements for animals. It plays an important role in the growth, development and production of livestock. However, the efficiency of P in animal production is very low, a large amount of undigested feed P excreted with manure, and the P enrichment in the environment resulted in serious P pollution, such as eutrophication. Feed P level and phosphate supplementation are closely related to the P use efficiency and manure P excretion. The objective of this study is to determine the status of P level and phosphate application of animal feed in China, and to provide a scientific basis for rational use of feed P resource and reduce the excretion of manure P. 【Method】 The variance of the P requirement recommended by American feeding standard and Chinese feeding standard, the actual P content and phosphate supplementation in the feed were studied in this research by conducting literature analysis, surveys, and experiments. 【Result】 For swine, compared to the Chinese standard, the current American standard recommends the P requirements as total P, standardized total tract digestible(STTD) P, and apparent total tract digestible(ATTD) P, with no recommendation for non-phytate P(NPP). For laying hens, broilers, meat ducks, the American standard lists NPP requirements, but not total P requirement. For dairy cattle, the total P requirement recommended by the Chinese standard is 31%, 74%, and 26% higher than the American standard for heifers, milking cows, and dry cows, respectively. Compared to the American standards, the current Chinese feeding standard is higher in the NPP requirement for laying hens(0.32% vs 0.25%), slaughter chickens(0.35%-0.40% vs 0.30%-0.35%), and meat ducks(0.35%-0.42% vs 0.30%-0.40%). The majority of phosphates used in feed in China is dicalcium phosphate(DCP), then the mono-dicalcium phosphate(MDCP) and monocalcium phosphate(MCP). The contents of phosphate, total P and NPP of same feed produced by different enterprises varied greatly. The use of calcium phosphate in commercial feeds in China was 8.8 kg·t-1 in 2016 on average, decreasing from 12.0 kg·t-1 in 2006. Total P requirement of animals and poultry used by the feed industry in 2016 was similar to that used in 2006 based on surveys, consistent with the Chinese standards. However, the NPP requirement used by the feed industry was higher than recommended by both the Chinese standards and the American standards for laying hens, growing pigs, and finished pigs.【Conclusion】The P requirements of dairy cows, laying hen, later stage of broiler, and meat duck recommended by Chinese feeding standard were higher than the American standard; the use of calcium phosphate in commodity feeds in China was 3.2 kg·t-1 in 2016 lower than in 2006 on average; the NPP requirement used by the feed industry was higher than recommended by both the Chinese feeding standards and the American feeding standards for laying hens, growing pigs, and finished pigs. It is suggested that the study of phosphorus requirement should be carried out based on the animal varieties and feed characteristics in China, and to modify the recommended standards for phosphorus requirement of animals. At the same time, we need to adopt the measures of using the low-phosphorus diets, the high utilization rate of calcium phosphate and addition of phytase in feed to improve the efficiency of feed phosphorus utilization, and to reduce the P excreted with manure.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
feeding standard
environmental impacts