如何破除活动组织方式的局限、打破学校间的限制,解决课例研究中时间成本高的问题,促进更广泛、更深入地课例交流与研讨,实现深度的知识分享与内化,成为课例研究领域亟待解决的难题。而技术支持下的大学与中小学协作伙伴关系不仅能够促进教师教育者服务社会、改变实践,而且能够帮助一线教师切实解决教育教学中面临的真问题。该文充分利用网络技术优势,将教师教育者与中小学教师结合起来形成面向课例研究的混合式教研活动,即基于大学与中小学协作伙伴关系(University-School Partnership,简称USP)的混合式课例研究。通过三轮设计性实践,修正与完善基于USP的混合式课例研究模型与实施策略,明确不同角色的定位。研究结论为大学与中小学之间开展持续深入的课例研究提供了更多创新实践的途径和方式。
It is a big problem for lesson study to break the limitations of activity organization and the boundaries oI schools, solve me high time cost, promote a wider, deeper communication, and achieve knowledge sharing and internalization. With the development of technology, it is possible to create a university-school partnership (USP) lesson study blending online with offline. It not only promotes university teachers to serve the community and change practices, but also helps school teachers solve teaching problem. The study blends the university and the school, and create a USP blending lesson study. Based on these, the study takes three rounds design-based study interventions to build the pattern and strategies of the USP blending lesson study. The study provides same innovative practical approaches and methods, which can achieve the last and deep collaborations between university and school.
China Educational Technology