中国不同类型的国家级自然保护地是国家公园建设的重要基础,在全国尺度下研究其空间分布特征,对于合理布局国家公园体系意义重大。以中国13类3 418处国家级自然保护地为研究对象,基于GIS技术,运用点格局分析、样方分析、K函数、热点聚类、基尼系数和分布均匀度等方法,对其空间分布模式进行了定量分析,利用栅格成本加权距离方法测算了保护地的可达时间。结果发现:中国国家级自然保护地呈凝聚分布态势,具有明显的空间依赖性,热点区分布在100°E以东的黄河中下游和长江中下游地区。保护地分布趋向于地势比较平坦、气候温暖宜人、水资源丰富、阔叶林为主的平原和低山地区,以及历史文化悠久、交通可达性高的区域。保护地的平均可达时间为60.05 min,全国70.76%的面积保护地可达时间在60 min以内。研究结果可为我国国家公园建设布局和国家公园体系构建提供科学参考。
The resolution from third plenary session of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China( CPC) clearly proposed to establish national park system,so as to better deal with the relationship between ecological protection and economic development,optimize and improve the system of protected areas,rationalize the existing management system of nature reserve. Protected area plays an important role in the construction of ecological civilization in China. Sorting different modes of protected areas,which are important basises to Chinese national parks,is benefit to the rational distribution of national park system. Based on an investigation of 13 kinds of 3 418 national protected areas( NPAs) in China and using GIS and some quantitative analysis methods,such as point pattern analysis,Ripley's K function,hot spot clustering,quadrat analysis and Gini coefficient,the spatial structure of NPAs were investigated,with their characteristics and distribution being discussed. Based on matrix raster data covering the whole space,this paper calculates spatial accessibility of all NPAs in China using cost weighted distance method and Arc GIS as platforms. The results show that the distribution of NPAs in China is a type of agglomeration and spatial dependent. Hotspots regions of NPAs were mainly concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River,east side of the 100° E. High density of NPAs concentrated in the regions which are flat,rich of water,broad-leaved forest dominated plain and low mountain area,and have fertile soil,pleasant weather,long history of culture,and high transportation accessibility. The average accessibility of NPAs is about 60. 05 minutes,and the area where the accessibility of NPAs is within 60 minutes reaches 70. 76%,and the longest time needs 777 minutes. Distribution of the accessibility has pointed to traffic line. Due to the difference of the management systems,the protection of the target and the intensity of development among departments, the departments have developed different management system,standards,and technical specifications. Consequently,the classification system of NPAs is more confused,which results in the confusion of management measures. Therefore,this paper suggests that the construction of the China's national park system should be based on combing the existing NPAs,to break the existing pattern of strong cohesion and high density,and to seek a balanced development of the whole country.
Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
protected areas
spatial structure
national park
ecological civilization