目的研究乳腺癌恶性钙化的影像学特征与Her-2、VEGF、E-Cad表达水平之间的相关性。方法回顾性分析经手术切除,并经病理证实的乳腺癌患者的临床及影像资料186例。所有患者术前均进行乳腺钼靶X线摄影检查,术后行常规病理、免疫组织化学检测及显色原位杂交检测。结果 Her-2的过表达在所有VEGF、E-Cad同为阴性表达的病灶组别中与乳腺癌恶性钙化的出现、形态表现及数目方面都存在明显的相关性(P<0.05)。结论在临床工作中同时检测Her-2、VEGF、E-Cad对乳腺癌恶性钙化诊断具有一定的意义。
Objective To explore the correlation between the expression of Her-2, VEGF, E- Cad and characteristics of malignant calcification signs in breast cancer. Methods A retro- spective analysis of 186 patients with breast cancer confirmed by operation and pathology were made. The patients were taken mammography before operations, conventional pathological test and immunohistochemical test after operations. Results Her-2 had been proved to have evi- dent relationships between Her-2 +/- groups on whether malignant calcification appears or not, on the shape of malignant calcification, on numbers of malignant calcification in all nidu- ses group and Her-2 +/VEGF -/E-Cad - group. Conclusion The detection of Her-2, VEGF, E-Cad in the same time has the important clinical significance to the diagnosis of malig- nant calcification of breast cancer.
Journal of Harbin Medical University