介绍了国内首套两级活性炭吸附法烧结烟气净化系统各种污染物脱除机理、工艺流程和系统装备,主要包括烟道系统、吸附系统、解析系统、活性炭储运系统等。对各主要系统内部结构、工作原理、相关设计和运行工艺参数进行了详细的说明,并对该系统的技术特点和投运后实际烟气净化效果进行了详细介绍。该系统具有污染物脱除率高,运行稳定可靠的优点。处理前烟气中SO_2平均浓度为430.5 mg/Nm^3,处理后SO_2浓度在0.224~4.203 mg/Nm^3之间,SO_2脱除率在99.02%~99.95%之间;处理前NO_X平均浓度为277.5mg/Nm^3,处理后NO_X含量在20.9~41.5 mg/Nm^3之间,NO_X脱除率在85.05%~92.47%之间;处理后二噁英的平均毒性当量浓度为0.0484 ngTEQ/Nm^3;净化后粉尘含量在14.0~14.7 mg/Nm^3之间。与一级吸附法净化系统相比,两级吸附净化系统可以深度脱除烟气中SO_2并大幅提高NO_X的脱除率。结合生产运行情况对该烧结烟气活性炭净化系统做出了适当评价并对其推广应用前景进行了展望。
The removal mechanisms for main pollutants in sintering flue gas, process flow for flue gas purification and systematical equipment of the sintering flue gas purifying systems by activated coke were introduced in detail, which is the first two- stage purifying system of its kind in China. The major facilities including flue system, adsorption system, desorption system, activated coke storage and transportation system were systematically and completely illustrated. The inner structure, working principle, and relevant designing and operating parameters of some major equipment were concisely presented. The technological characteristics of this purifying system were summarized, and the actual treatment effect was presented. The results showed that, this system has the advantages of high reduction rate of pollutants and steady and reliable operating performance. The average SO2 content in sintering flue gas is 430.5 mg/Nm^3 before being purified, while its content is decreased between 0. 224 and 4.203 mg/Nm^3after treatment, with a high removal rate from 99.02% to 99.95% ; the average NOx content is 277. 5 mg/Nm^3 before being purified, while its content is decreased between 20.9 and 41.5 mg/Nm^3 after treatment, with a removal rate from 85.05 % to 92.47 % ; the average toxic equivalent quantity of dioxin is decreased to 0. 0484 ngTEQ/Nm^3 after treatment; the dust content after treatment is decreased between 14.0 and 14.7 mg/Nm^3. Compared with one -stage adsorption purifying system, two - stage purifying system can deeply reduce SO2 and significantly improve the removal rate of NOx. An evaluating conclusion on this two - stage purifying system was drawn based on the actual treatment effect and practical run performance. Meanwhile, the application prospect of this new purifying system was predicted.
Sintering and Pelletizing
sintering flue gas
activated coke
two - stage adsorption
process flow
major equipment
purification effect