The predominant role played by Agnes Smdley in The Incident of The China League for Civil Right( The Incident for short) in 1933 can be listed as follows: firstly,she had formed a core team separately inside of The China League for Civil Right( The League for short) even before the League was established,in order to control the whole organization completely; secondly,she tried to use the Event which Hu Shih and Yang Chien had inspected three prisons in Peiping including the Military Reformatory of Peiping to endorse the publication of the Appeal she had taken from a group political prizonena in the Military Reformatory of Peiping; thirdly,realising that Hu Shih couldn’t be controlled as she had expected,Smedley coaxed Tsai Yuan-pei,Lin Yu-tang and Yang Chien gave Hu Shih various explantions,but Hu never changed his mind. So she proposed to fire Hu Shih at the meeting of the League. The point of The Incident is that there were quite different political ideas between Hu Shih and Smdley and her allies. In the Incident,Smdley’s intention of using Hu Shih as a chess piece in a partisan struggle partly based on her affairs with him was a complete failure for they never contacted each other after Hu got fired. Yang Chien’s transformation from beingused unintentionally to telling lies willingly for the sake of political struggle showed that he was a real KMT,while Hu Shih was just an independent intellectual,which almost led to the end of their friendship. After Tsai Yuan-pei and Lin Yu-tang realized that they were just cat’s paw,they left the league before it stopped working,implicating their little dissatisfaction. Only Lu Hsun kept on taking part in the various activities of the China League,and developed deep friendship with both Agnes Smdley and Madame Sun Yat-sen.
Agnes Smdley
the incident of The China League for Civil Right in 1933