
论“国有企业做强做优做大”和“国有资本做强做优做大”的一致性 被引量:13

On the Consistency of “Making State-owned Enterprises Stronger,Better and Bigger” and “Making State-owned Capital Stronger,Better and Bigger”
摘要 所有制不是一个简单的法权意义上的生产资料归谁所有问题,而是生产资料的所有者(占有者)与生产过程中使用生产资料的劳动者之间的经济关系。没有全民所有制性质的国有企业支撑,就没有劳动者与生产资料直接结合方式,也就没有真正意义上的社会主义全民所有制性质的国有经济。"国有企业做强做优做大"是新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的必然要求。全民所有制与公司制是两个论域完全不同的概念,"混改"和"公司制"不等于取消全民所有制国有企业。对国有经济来说,不控股企业,就没有实际支配权,支配权与所有权配套,才能保证实现符合所有者利益的劳动者与生产资料结合方式。"国有资本做强做优做大"作为完善国有资产管理体制、改革国有资本授权经营体制和优化调整国有经济布局的目标,是"国有企业做强做优做大"的宏观层面反映,具有高于国有企业个体的全局性、战略性意义,需要有一系列检验标准。 Ownership is not a simple problem of who owns the means of production le- gally, but rather the economic relationship between the owner of the means of produc- tion and the laborers who use the means of production in the process of produc- tion. Without the support of state-owned enterprises owned by the whole people, the laborers and the means of production can hardly be combined, thus a state-owned econ- omy of a truly socialist ownership by the whole people can hardly exist. "Making state- owned enterprises stronger, better and bigger" is an inevitable requirement for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Own- ership by the whole people and corporate system are completely different concepts in different discourses. The "mixed ownership reform" and "corporate system" do not mean the cancellation of state-owned enterprises owned by the whole people. For the state-owned economy, there is no real power over the economy without holding the en- terprises. Only when the control power and the ownership are matched can we ensure the realization of the combination of the laborers and the means of production in the in- terests of the owners. "Making the state-owned capital stronger, better and bigger", as the goal of improving state-owned assets management system, reforming authorized system of state-owned capital and optimizing the layout of state-owned economy, is the macro-level reflection of "making state-owned enterprises stronger, better and bigger". It matters much more than the overall and strategic significance of the individual state- owned enterprises and requires a series of testing standards.
作者 宋方敏
机构地区 昆仑策研究院
出处 《政治经济学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期3-15,共13页 China Review of Political Economy
关键词 十九大报告 国有企业 国有资本 国资国企改革 report of the 19th CPC national congress state-owned enterprises state-owned capital reform of state-owned enterprises and capital
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