3Task Force Report: "American Bar Association, Section of International Law and Practice, Section of Criminal Justice",Report of the ABA Task Force on Teaching International Criminal Law, at "The International Lawyer", Summer, 1994.
5这里国际谴责性中的"国际"成分,"是有关行为的犯罪构成达到了危害国际社会的程度……".参见RupaBhattacharyya: "Establishing a Rule - of Law International Criminal Justice System", Symposium on Humanitarian Intervention and International Justice, at "Texas International Law Journal", 1996.
6自1815年至1982年共有27部法律文件中包含了奴役和与奴役行为有关的内容.参见M Cherif Bassiouni,"International Criminal Law Conventions and Their Penal Provisions", Transnational Punishers, Inc. 1997, 第 730-733页.
7在1854年至1998年的有关法律文件中涉及战争行为的共计70多部,以及30余部可适用的法律文件.参见M.Cherif Bassiouni, "International Criminal Law Conventions and Their Penal Provisions", Transnational Punishers, Inc.1997, 第 501-504 页.
8M. Cherif Bassiouni, "The Time Has Come for an International Criminal Court", at "Indiana International and Comparative Law Review", Spring 1991.
9参见M. Cherif Bassiouni: "From Versailles to Rwanda in Seventy- five Years: The Need to Establish a Permanent International Criminal Court", at "Harvard Human Rights Journal", Volume Ten, Spring 1997.
10Paul D. Marquardt,"Law Without Borders: The Constitutionality of an International Criminal Court",at Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 1995 .