1Dirk Gorges, Latest Developments of The Sustainable and Efficient Automotive Painting[R]. Cannes, France: SurCar, 2013.
2Ralf Dunkel and Dr. Wolfgang Zitz, Requirements to the Paint Shop "from the perspective of a contract manufacturer today and tomorrow" [R]. Bad Nauheim, Germany : Automo- tive Circle 2013.
3Dr.-Ing. Martin Goede, Superl,l(,HT-Car project An in- tegrated research approach for lightweight ear body innova- tions[R]. Wolfsburg, Germany: Lightweight Vehicle Structure Conference 2009.
4Christion Lang, Chances of the electro-Mobility and Influ- ences on the process-chain "Painted Body" Using the Exam- ple of the BMW i3[R]. Bad Nauheim, Germany : Automotive Circle 2013.
5Nathan Silvernail, Ph.D. Lightweight Vehicle Corrosion Management From Runway to the Roadway[R]. Berlin, Gema- ny: Automotive Circle 2012.