选取Q235C、IF1牌号热轧钢卷,沿轧制方向从钢卷尾部分别连续切取4块样板,再从每块样板的两边各去除50 mm,分别沿板宽制备4组纵向拉伸试样,并在4个实验室进行拉伸试验。试验结果表明:Q235C钢的抗拉强度横向波动范围为25~40 MPa,IF1钢的抗拉强度横向波动范围为24~34 MPa,可以作为轧制工艺控制参数改进、减少抗拉强度横向波动、确保质量富余量以及降低质量成本的参考指导;板宽1/4位置代表试样的抗拉强度值在钢卷宽度方向试样中处于中下游水平。
Four sample plate are taken at the tail end of Q235C and IF1 steel coil in rolling direction respective-ly. Four sets of tensile specimens are prepared widthwise from the sample plate after two sides are cut off by 50 mm each and tested in four laboratories. The test results show that the transverse fluctuation of tensile strength for Q235C steel grade ranges between 25 MPa and 40 MPa, while the ones for IF1 steel grade ranges between 24 MPa and 34 MPa, which can be used as the reference for improving rolling process control parameters, decreasing transverse fluctu-ation of tensile strength, guaranteeing quality allowance and reducing quality cost, while the tensile strength values of the typical specimens taken at 1/4 width position are below the middle level among the specimens taken in width direc-tion of steel coil.
Wide and Heavy Plate
Tensile strength, Transverse fluctuation, Hot rolled steel coil