

Evaluation and Application of New Energy Development Technology in Dagang Oilfield
摘要 为实现大港油田"绿色"开发建设,从两个角度对可开发新能源资源量进行了综合经济技术评价。按可开发难易程度排序依次为:风电、太阳能、地热、植物能源,这些能源都不具备规模开发的经济价值。但是在个别偏远场站,新能源风电具有小规模利用的经济价值。如在张21-1井场试验应用了抽油机风光电互补发电系统,年节约柴油费用192 207万元,年减少CO2排放56 901 kg。应用结果表明,风光互补发电系统对抽油机供电能够大幅降低能源消耗,为边远区块进一步开采、稳产开辟了一条节能降耗的新路。 In order to realize the "green" development and construction of Dagang oilfield, the comprehensive economic and technical evaluation on the quantity of the new energy resources can be developed from two perspectives. According to the degree of development difficulty, the order is: wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy, and plant energy, which do not have the economic value of scale development. But in a few remote stations, the new wind-power energy has a small scale of economic value. For example, in the field test of Zhang 21-1, it is used to apply the wind-power complementary power generation system of the pumping unit, saving the diesel fuel cost of 192 207 yuan and reducing the CO_2 emission by 56 901 kg annually. The application results show that the power supply can greatly reduce the energy consumption, and open up a new way to reduce energy consumption.
出处 《石油石化节能》 2018年第3期46-48,共3页 Energy Conservation in Petroleum & PetroChemical Industry
关键词 新能源 经济评价 风光互补 边远区块 节能降耗 new energy economic evaluation the wind-power complement remote stations energy saving and consumption reduction
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