
话语实践中的意义磋商与话语互动研究——中美国家领导人新闻发布会案例研究 被引量:2

Meaning Negotiation and Interaction in Discursive Practice: A Case Study of a Press Conference of Chinese and American Leaders
摘要 以话语理论为基础,具体探讨两国领导人在新闻发布会话语实践中的话语互动模式。研究发现奥巴马利用一个强大的国家政治领袖的优势及多种话语策略来操纵和控制意义的流动。他故意选择一些有利于美国而不利于中国的主题,以巩固中国对世界以及美国的承诺、义务和责任。他还使用了很多排他性的"我们"和一些将中国从一些国际团体中排除在外的范畴判断。而习近平主席使用了更多包含性的"我们",积极评价中美作出的共同努力,并多次使用"重申"、"认可"等词强调中国作出的承诺或者中国的国家利益,使用"欢迎"和"希望"等词汇来表达对美国和其他国家参与亚投行和丝绸之路建设的期望。 This study,based on the discourse studies,explores the discourse models of Chinese and American leaders’interaction in a press conference.It is found that the President of the United States,as the leader of the super power in the world,manipulates the flow of the meaning in the interaction.He deliberately chooses the topics that are against China but in favor of America to consolidate China’s promise,obligation and responsibility to America and the world.He also employs the exclusive pronoun us and other categorical judgment words in order to rule China out of the scope of internationa groups.And President Xi Jinping uses more inclusive us to positively evaluate the join effort of China and America,uses words like reaffirm and recognize to stress the promis China made or the state interests of China,and also uses words like wish and welcome t express that China sincerely hope America and the other countries could join th construction of AIIB and the Silk Road.
作者 刘立华 孙炬
出处 《天津外国语大学学报》 2018年第2期62-77,共16页 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
基金 北京交通大学基本科研业务费人文社会科学专项基金资助项目"‘一带一路’战略背景下中国国家形象传播及中国国际话语体系建构与重构研究"(2016JBWZ006)
关键词 中美领导人 新闻发布会 话语实践 身份建构 Chinese and American leaders press conference discourse practice identity construction
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