
基于InCites和ESI的我国16所中医药高校科研产出统计与分析 被引量:7

Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Research Output of 16 TCM Colleges and Universities Based on InCites and ESI
摘要 目的了解我国中医药高校Web of Science(WoS)核心合集发文情况,对中医药高校学科建设和发展现状进行比较分析,以期为科研决策提供参考依据。方法利用InCites和基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science Indicators,ESI)对我国16所中医药高校近十年的WoS论文进行统计,对论文数量、发文期刊及所属学科领域、论文影响力等方面进行分析。结果我国16所中医药高校的Wo S发文量呈逐年上升趋势,南京中医药大学、上海中医药大学和北京中医药大学2008-2017年发文总量分别为3 335、3 218、2 848篇,位列前三;机构之间的合作情况,北京中医药大学和天津中医药大学合作最密切,共合作了50篇论文;发文量排名前三的作者分别是段金廒、王峥涛、唐于平;16所中医药高校发文量最多的3个学科依次为临床医学、药理学与毒理学、化学,其中北京中医药大学和南京中医药大学的临床医学、药理学与毒理学入选ESI全球前1%学科,广州中医药大学、福建中医药大学、浙江中医药大学的临床医学入选ESI全球前1%学科;从论文所发期刊的影响因子来看,高水平期刊的论文比例不高。结论中医药高校之间应该加强合作,相互促进,提高发表高水平论文的能力和科技创新的能力,共同促进中医药研究事业的发展。 Objective To understand the article situation of Web of Science (WoS) core collection of China’s TCM colleges and universities; To comparatively analyze the current situation of subject construction and development in TCM colleges and universities; To provide references for decision-making of scientific research. Methods InCites and Essential Science Indicators (ESI) databases were used to analyze the WoS articles of 16 TCM colleges and universities in recent 10 years. The quantity of articles, the published periodicals, the subject areas and the influence of articles were compared and analyzed. Results The number of WoS articles published by 16 TCM colleges and universities nationwide has been increasing year by year. The numbers of articles of Nanjing Chinese Medicine University, Shanghai Chinese Medicine University and Beijing Chinese MedicineUniversity in 2008-2017 years were 3 335, 3 218, and 2 848, ranking the top three. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine were the most closely collaborated, with 50 articles. The top three authors publishing the largest number of articles were Duan Jin-ao, Wang Zheng-tao and Tang Yu-ping. The 3 subjects of the highest amount of articles in 16 TCM colleges and universities were clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology and chemistry. The clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology of Beijing Chinese Medicine University and Nanjing Chinese Medicine University were selected as the first 1% subjects of ESI in the world, and the clinical medicine of Guangzhou Chinese Medicine University, Fujian Chinese medicine University and Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University was selected as the first 1% subject of ESI in the world. According to the influence factors of the periodicals, the proportion of the articles in the high level periodicals was not high. Conclusion TCM colleges and universities should strengthen cooperation, promote each other, improve the ability to publish high-level articles and the ability of scientific and technological innovation, and enhance the development of TCM research.
出处 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2018年第2期9-15,共7页 Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science for Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 InCites 基本科学指标数据库 中医药高校 统计分析 科研产出 InCites ESI TCM colleges and universities statistics and analysis: scientific research output
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