地下管线是一个错综复杂的地下空间网络,在城市建设中占据重要的地位,关乎人民的日常生活。传统的二维管线的管理方式不容易直观地表现出地下管线的空间分布状况,且对二维管线的判读需要大量的专业知识。该文利用ArcGIS Engine组件,在二维管线的基础上,搭建三维管线平台系统,在实现管线三维可视化的同时,提供各种空间分析工具,为管线的设计、施工、决策提供支持。
The underground pipeline is a complicated network in the underground space,which is extremely important in urban construction,and concerns the daily life of the people. The traditional two dimensional pipeline management mode is hard to show the spatial distribution of the underground pipeline intuitively,and it also need lots of professional knowledge to interpret the 2D pipeline. In this paper,using the Arc GIS Engine component,based on the 2D pipeline,the 3D pipeline platform system is built. In the realization of 3D visualization pipelines,various spatial analysis tools are provided. It provides support for the pipeline design,construction and decision.
Site Investigation Science and Technology