
纪委监督职责的完善与发展 被引量:3

Perfection and Development of the Supervision Duty of Commission for Discipline Inspection
摘要 党的十八届三中全会提出了"两个责任",其中纪委负监督责任。纪委监督责任的有效施行应当具备以下五个条件:独立性、权威性、有限性、自律性与专业性。十八大以来,党中央坚定不移地正风肃纪、惩治腐败,为"履行好监督责任"这一课题积累了宝贵经验,很多工作实践和制度建设有效增强了纪委监督能力。在高层推动、人民诉求、能效要求等驱动因素的基础上,纪委监督职责有望通过进一步改革加以完善。建议从改革管理体制、深化异地交流制度和任期制、继续探索"曹克明改革模式"等方面进一步增强纪委独立性和权威性;强化组织、社会、个人三个层次对纪委的监督,进一步提高其有限性和自律性;加强全局性、系统性和长期性的人才培养,探索专业技术序列建设,提高纪检工作的专业性。 “The two duties”theory was proposed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It indicatesthat the Commission for Discipline Inspection should undertake the supervision duty. However, this is to be founded on the fiveconditions: independence, authority, finiteness, self-discipline and expertise. The Central Committee of the Party has resolutelystuck to the enforcement of disciplines and the punishment against corruption since the 18th CPC National Congress, valuableexperience having been accumulated for practicing the duty of supervision, the supervising ability of committee for disciplineinspection having been effectively enhanced with practice from work and the construction of mechanism. Based on the analysisof motivational factors such as promotion of higher authorities, the requirements of the mass, and the requirements of effective-ness, the supervising duty of Committee for Discipline Inspection is likely to be improved through reform. It is suggested thatthe independence and the authority of the committee for discipline inspection be further enhanced by means of reforms of themanagement system, strengthening the mechanism of exchange to foreign places and the tenure mechanism, and the further ex-ploration of“the mode of Cao Keming reform,”and strengthening the abilities of Discipline Inspection in proving into the cluesof members of Party committee of the same level; the finiteness and self-discipline of discipline inspection is to be improvedthrough strengthening the supervision from organization, the society and the individual himself; and the expertise of discipline inspection is to be improved through cultivation of intellectuals stressing comprehensive consideration of the overall conditions,that is systematic, and over a long term and through the construction of specialized technical sequences.
作者 庄立
出处 《廉政文化研究》 2018年第1期57-62,共6页 Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
关键词 纪委监督责任 独立性 权威性 有限性 supervision duty of the commission for discipline inspection independence authority finiteness
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