目的 评价 B超引导下经皮经肝胆囊穿刺引流治疗急性重症胆囊炎的作用。方法 32例重症胆囊炎的接受了在局部麻醉下经皮经肝穿刺胆囊置管引流 ,穿刺针及导管由日本八光公司生产。结果 无 1例产生并发症 ,均穿刺置管成功。症状及体征均在 2 4~ 4 8小时内明显改善。结论 (Percutaneous cholecystostom y PC)是一种微创、有效、廉价、可靠的治疗急性重症胆囊炎的方法 ,它还可以用于肝脓肿 。
Objective To acess experience with percutaneous cholecystostomy(PC) in high risk patients with presumed acute cholecystits.Methods PC was performed under local anathesia guided by ultra-sonography .Results PC was performed successfully in all 32 patients,without immediate procedural or technical complications.Symptoms and clinical signs of cholecystits resolved within 24~48h in all patients.Conclusion PC is effective,minimally-invasive,treatment for the patient with acute cholecystitis.This way also can be used in hepatic absess,obstructive jaundice and necrosis pancreatitis caused by stone or tumor.
Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery