

Research on Petition Dispute Resolution Mechanism——The Court in X City as the Analysis Object
摘要 信访是中国特色的纠纷解决机制,其作用不容忽视。涉诉信访作为改革的突破口,能够为合理合法解决信访纠纷提供示范模型。涉诉信访应定位为通过公正程序实现权利,其功能包括:畅通信息收集渠道;引导公民监督司法;救济民众权利。目前,涉诉信访存在的问题有:涉诉信访的程序规范性不强;维权与维稳的关系含糊不清;重复涉诉信访多发;涉诉信访公开程度低。针对我国涉诉信访存在的主要问题,化解涉诉信访纠纷的路径为:以程序正义的理念指导涉诉信访工作;引入以律师为主的社会力量参与涉诉息访工作;确立案件追踪机制和责任制;及时公开和报告涉诉信访案件。 Petition is an effective mechanism of dispute settlement with Chinese characteristics. As abreakthrough in the reform, petition can provide demonstration model for reasonable and legitimate solutionto the dispute. It should be positioned as the realization of the right to justice through the program. And itsfeatures include: flowing information collection channels; guiding the civil judicial supervision and relievingthe citizen rights. For the problems lie in Chinese petition procedure as weak specification, unclearrelationship between rights acquirement and stability maintenance, repetition and low degree of publicity,the resolutions include guiding petition by the justice procedural, introducing lawyers as the based socialforces to participate in petitions, establishing the case tracking and responsibility mechanism and reportingthe petition timely.
作者 古强
出处 《天中学刊》 2018年第1期53-56,共4页 Journal of Tianzhong
基金 海南省哲学社会科学规划课题(HNSK(ZC)16-17)
关键词 涉诉信访 纠纷 解决机制 petition dispute resolution mechanism
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