
2017年“艺术与科学”对话现状概述 被引量:1

Overview of the Status Quo of the Dialogue “Arts and Science” in 2017
摘要 2017年,"艺术与科学"对话的相关主题论坛和研讨会频繁召开。究其原因,宏观层面上,中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,无论经济、政治、科技以及文化上都给予社会各层面稳定发展的保障;微观层面上,从社会各阶层的个人到高校、科研院所,都积极响应国家政策,遵从人们日益增长的美好生活需求,从自身诉求"意义化生存"和"文明化生活"的探索做起,期望从艺术上寻求自我拯救。随着人工智能等科学技术的迅猛发展,人们思考"人工智能(AI)艺术"会不会成为新的艺术种类的同时,认为艺术边界的界桩确立应该以守候艺术本体为方法论。对这一年度"艺术与科学"的对话现状研究,让我们明确现阶段除了将研究重点放在"科学对艺术的影响作用"上,还可以放在"艺术对科学的启示"上;未来需要深刻探讨"艺术与科学综合性跨学科的学科群"建设和发展问题,需要思考"科学技术"与"艺术教育"两者如何相辅相成地发展下去。 The conferences and symposiums related to the in 2017. The reasons at the macro level concern the fact dialogue "arts and science" were frequently held that the socialism with Chinese characteristics en- tered a new era so that all aspect, no matter economy, politics, science or culture, are levels for a stable development. At the micro level, tificresearch institutes, are all active to implement safeguarded at all individuals at all walks of life and universities and scien- national policies and to abide by people's needs for a growing better life. They began their exploration from the self - appeal of "meaningful survival" and "civi- lized life", expecting to pursue self - redemption in arts. Along with the fast development of science and technologies such as artificial intelligence, while people are thinking about whether or not "artificial intelli- gent art" can be regarded as a new category of art, they consider that the position of the boundary of arts should be set as a methodology to cultivate the ontology of art. The study of the status quo of the dialogue of "arts and science" in this year makes us understand that the focus of study can be put on "enlightenment of arts to science", in addition to "the influences of science on arts". It is necessary in the future to discuss
作者 张雪荣
出处 《民族艺术研究》 2018年第1期89-96,共8页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 艺术与科学 艺术种类 人工智能(AI)艺术 艺术边界 arts and science, the category of art, artificial intelligent (AI) art, the boundary of art
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