

Consistency Study of Spectrum and Time-History Analysis in Anti-Seismic Design
摘要 针对高耸结构抗震设计方法的选择问题,运用目前抗震计算方法中最具代表性的反应谱法与时程分析法,结合《建筑抗震设计规范》的基本要求,以塔式立体车库结构为研究对象,通过ANSYS有限元分析进行两种方法下位移、应力与层间位移角的计算并对其结果进行对比。结果表明,两种方法对车库抗震分析得到的结果数值相对误差在10%以内,满足实际要求,验证了两种方法在抗震设计中的一致性,为其在结构抗震设计中的应用提供了重要的理论支持与实际指导。 To solve the problem of selection of anti-seismic(AS)design method of high-rise structures,based on"Code for Seismic Design of Buildings",taking tower parking space as a research object,this paper calculated the displacement,stress and inter-story displacement angle with finite element method by software ANSYS and comparatively analysed the results by using two typical methods:response spectrum as well as time analysis.The result shows that both of the relative error of the numerical results among AS analysis for parking space by the two methods are within 10%,which meets the practical requirement.Hence it verifies the consistency within the two methods in the design,so that it provides an important theoretical support and practical guidance for the applications of the two methods in AS design of structures.
作者 安昆
出处 《机械工程与自动化》 2018年第1期27-29,32,共4页 Mechanical Engineering & Automation
关键词 抗震分析 塔式立体车库 反应谱法 时程分析法 层间位移角 anti-seismic analysis tower space parking response spectrum method time analysis method inter-story displacement angle
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