
墨西哥含糖饮料征税案例分析 被引量:2

The Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Mexico:A Case Study
摘要 在过去几十年中,国内外含糖饮料的消费呈现增长趋势。墨西哥是含糖饮料消费量最高的国家之一,而且超重肥胖等慢性病的患病率也在逐年升高。为了预防和控制超重肥胖等慢性病的流行,经过询证、游说、呼吁、各方协调等过程,墨西哥于2014年出台了含糖饮料税,对含糖饮料征收1比索/L的消费税。实施两年多来,对含糖饮料税的评估发现,征税有效降低了含糖饮料的消费量。本文对墨西哥慢性病流行情况、含糖饮料征税法案的形成过程、征税效果评估等方面进行综述,以期为我国制定控制含糖饮料过量摄入及对健康影响的相关政策和措施提供参考建议。 In the past fewdecades, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) at home Mexico is one of the countries with the highest consumptions of SSBs, and the prevalences of obesity. In order to prevent and control the prevalence of chronic diseases, Mexico imposed a consumption tax with 1 peso/L on SSBs in 2014,after inquiring, lobbying, appealing and coordinating. For more than two years, the tax on SSBs has been found effectively in reducing the consumption of SSBs. The prevalence of chronic diseases, the formation and effect evaluation of the tax on SSBs in Mexico were re-viewed. Suggestions were provided including formulating policies and taking measures to control the excessive consumption
出处 《中国食物与营养》 2018年第2期53-55,58,共4页 Food and Nutrition in China
关键词 墨西哥 含糖饮料 征税 Mexico Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Sugar Tax
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