
复杂社会系统的研究方法——从计算机模拟到复杂应答过程理论 被引量:4

Research Methods of Complex Social System: from Computer Simulation Methods to Theory of Complex Responsive Processes
摘要 计算机模拟方法是探索复杂适应系统自组织机制、突现特性的常用方法。这种方法最初用来研究自然系统中的复杂适应主体(尤其是同质主体)的行为。在遗传算法的辅助下也可以较为精确地完成对异质主体行为的模拟。在人类社会领域,由于人与人之间的相互关系更加复杂多样,计算机模拟方法面临更大的挑战。斯泰西提出的复杂应答过程理论认为,人类互动是复杂的,仅仅把它描述为适应性就没有充分理解复杂性。人类互动的主要特征是应答而不仅仅是互相配合,互相适应。这两种方法既有相似之处又相互区别,各有特长。 Computer simulation method is used to explore the self-organization mechanism and emergence features of complex adaptive system. This method was originally used to study the behavior of complex adaptive agents,especially homogenous agents in natural systems. With the help of genetic algorithm,it also more accurately simulates the heterogeneous agent behavior. In the field of human society,due to the more complex relationship between people,computer simulation methods are facing more challenges. Stacey proposes the theory of complex response processes. He argues that human interaction is complex. If you only describe it as adaptive,you cannot be fully understood this interaction. The main characteristic of human interaction is to respond rather than just cooperate with each other. Both methods have similarities and differences,and each with its own specialty.
机构地区 华南理工大学
出处 《系统科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期34-38,共5页 Chinese Journal of Systems Science
基金 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(XZD06)
关键词 计算机模拟方法 复杂应答过程理论 复杂适应系统 复杂社会系统 computer simulation methods theory of complex responsive processes complex adap-tive systems complex social system
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