

The Model and Enlightenment of the Typical Dairy Financial Services in China
摘要 奶业发展关系到居民膳食结构的改善和国民体质的增强,是健康中国、强壮民族不可或缺的产业,是农业现代化的标志性产业。奶业发展有其自身的资金运行规律,投资规模大、周期长、流动资金需求量大,因此,对金融服务的需求有其特殊性。经过多年的实践探索,一些地区形成了典型的奶业金融服务模式,体现出政府积极参与并给予政策扶持、金融机构创新意识增强等突出特征。几种典型的奶业金融服务模式带给我们的启示是:政府推动是奶业金融发展的有力保障;积极与大企业合作,是奶业金融服务走向产融结合的有益尝试和创新动力;创新会给金融服务带来更多的机会。未来奶业金融必然是政府积极参与的市场化运作模式下的多层次、多样化的金融服务体系。 The development of dairy industry is related to the improvement o f residentsy dietary structure and the en-hancement o f national physique. It is an indispensable indus-try for healthy Chinese and strong ethnic groups, and also a symbol industry of agricultural modernization. The develop-ment o f dairy industry has its own law of fund operation. Its investment scale is large, its cycle is long and the demand for floating capital is large. Therefore, the demand for finan-cial services has its particularity. After years of practice and exploration, a typical financial service mode of dairy indus-try has been formed in some areas. The summary o f its op-eration characteristics and experience is o f great significance for further developing the financial policy o f dairy industry and promoting the leapfrog development of dairy industry. It embodys some vatal features, including positive policy sup-ports o f the government and the fervent awareness o f the in-novation o f financial institution. The several typical model of dairy financial services give us some enlightments:?the government^ support that promotes the rapid development of dairy finance;corporating with gaint companies is an im-portant step that faciliates the dairy finance walking to the combination between dairy industry and finance;innovation will create more and more opportunities for fianacial ser- vices.Future dairy finance must be a multiple and various system which governments take part in actively and acts on the market laws.
机构地区 河北农业大学
出处 《河北软件职业技术学院学报》 2018年第1期51-55,共5页 Journal of Hebei Software Institute
基金 2016年河北省社科联课题"河北省畜牧业发展的金融服务创新调查与研究"(201602020208) 河北省现代农业产业体系奶牛产业经济与政策研究岗位的研究成果(HBCT2013120203) 河北省教育厅项目"河北省现代畜牧业发展研究"(ZD201516)
关键词 奶业金融 牧场贷 活体租赁 dairy industry financial pasture to borrow live to rent
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