目的探索碘海醇子宫输卵管造影对不孕症的应用价值。方法 100例婚后两年不孕患者,原发不孕68例,继发不孕32例,造影剂选用碘海醇,在月经干净后3~7 d,透视下行子宫输卵管造影检查并摄片。结果子宫畸形6例,子宫腔粘连5例,子宫内膜炎5例,子宫输卵管结核6例,子宫位置异常5例,输卵管梗阻48例,子宫输卵管正常23例。结论碘海醇子宫输卵管造影能了解子宫输卵管位置及形态等情况,由于碘海醇为水溶性,粘稠度低,流速快,弥散快,术后20分钟可摄取弥散片,当日即可诊断结果,为临床提供诊断依据。
Objective To explore the value of hysterosalpingography iohexol in diagnosis of female infertility.Methods Totally 100 patients of infertility after two years of marriage,Among them,68 patients of primary infertility,32 patients of secondary infertility.These patients underwent hysterosalpingography using iohexol,after menstruation is clean,3-7 d.Results Totally 6 cases of them was uterine malformation,5 cases of them was metrosynizesis,5 cases of them was endometritis,6 cases of them was tubal tuberculosis,5 cases of them was lagedes uterus,48 cases of them was obstruction of fallopian tube,23 cases of them was normal uterus and fallopian tube.Conclusion Hysterosalpingography iohexol can be used to understand the location and shape of the fallopian tubes,Because of solubility,low viscosity,fast flow rate and fast dispersion of iohexol,so the pations can take diffusion tablets in 20 minutes after surgery and can take the results on the same day,can provide the basis for clinical diagnosis.
Journal of Medical Forum