
天津市2012-2016年青年学生男男性行为者的行为特点及HIV和梅毒感染状况 被引量:18

Behavior characteristics and HIV/syphilis infection status among MSM students in Tianjin from 2012 to 2016
摘要 目的了解天津市青年学生男男性行为者(MSM)的行为特点、艾滋病病毒(HIV)和梅毒感染变化情况,探索其影响因素。方法分别于2012年、2014年、2016年开展三次横断面调查,通过非政府组织和网络招募调查对象,收集人口学、行为学和血清学等信息,运用SPSS 21.0软件对调查结果进行统计分析。结果 3次分别招募了840名、730名、645名调查对象。通过互联网/交友软件寻找性伴的MSM分别占30.12%(253人)、75.62%(552人)、91.32%(589人),艾滋病知识知晓率分别为82.74%(695人)、88.49%(646人)、93.02%(600名)。最近6个月同性肛交安全套使用频率逐年增高(P〈0.001)。HIV抗体阳性检出率3年分别为0.95%(8人)、3.15%(23人)、4.03%(26人),梅毒阳性检出率分别为1.90%(16人)、9.86%(72人)、11.01%(71人),不同年度的HIV和梅毒阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。最近一次与同性发生肛交性行为时未使用安全套、梅毒初筛阳性是HIV感染的影响因素。结论青年学生MSM近年来HIV和梅毒阳性检出率逐年增高,通过互联网/交友软件寻找性伴应该引起足够重视,需要探索更加适合该人群的行为干预模式。 Objective To investigate the behavioral characteristics and HIV/syphilis infection status of male students who have sex with men(MSM)in Tianjin,and analyze its influencing factors.Methods Three cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 2012,2014 and 2016.MSM students were recruited via community-based organizations and internet.Demographic,behavioral,serological information were collected and the results were analyzed by using SPSS21.0 software.Results 840,730 and 645 respondents were recruited respectively in the three years.30.12%(253/840),75.62%(552/730)and 91.32%(589/645)found their sexual partners via internet/dating software.The awareness rates of AIDS knowledge in the three years were 82.74%(695/840),88.49%(646/730)and 93.02%(600/645)respectively.Condom use in the anal sex last six months increased year by year(P0.001).The positive rates of HIV infection were 0.95%(8/840),3.15%(23/730),and 4.03%(26/645),and those of syphilis infection were 1.90%(16/840),9.87%(72/730),and 11.01%(71/645).The difference of HIV and syphilis positive rates in different years was statistically significant(P0.001).Statistics showed that no condom use in the last anal sex with men and syphilis infection were influencing factors of HIV infection.Conclusion The detection rates of HIV and syphilis among MSM young students are increasing gradually.The students who find sexual partners via internet/dating software should be paid enough attention to.Behavioral intervention models more suitable to the population need to be explored.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期58-61,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 男男性行为者 艾滋病病毒感染 梅毒 青年学生 影响因素 Men who have sex with men HIV infection Syphilis Young students Influencing factors
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