
硝酸甘油治疗心衰中输液泵的应用价值 被引量:2

Value of infusion pump in treatment of heart failure with nitroglycerin
摘要 目的探讨在使用硝酸甘油治疗心衰过程中两种方法的效果。方法将62例患者随机分组至一般输液组和输液泵组。对不良反应出现率、调节滴速消耗的时间、输液中需要调节滴速次数进行比较。结果一般输液组滴速调节平均时间为(87.2±11.5)s/次,输液泵组为(6.8±1.3)s/次。两组时间上差别有统计学意义(P<0.01)。输液泵组需要调节速度的次数明显比一般输液组少,输液泵组无一过性低血压现象发生,仅发生2例不良反应。结论输液泵输液法和一般输液法相比,节省护士精力、体力,提高了病人输液的安全性。 Objective To investigate the effects of two methods in the treatment of heart failure with nitroglycerin. Methods A total of 62 patients were randomly divided into conventional infusion group and infusion pump group. The two groups were compared in terms of the incidence rate of adverse events, time spent adjusting the infusion speed, and number of necessary adjustments of the infusion speed. Results There was a significant difference in the mean time spent adjusting the infusion speed between the conventional infusion group and the infusion pump group(87.2 ±11.5 s/time vs 6.8 ±1.3 s/time, P〈0.01). The infusion pump group had a significantly lower number of necessary adjustments of the infusion speed than the conventional infusion group. No patient in the infusion pump group experienced transient hypotension, and there were only 2 cases of adverse events. Conclusion Compared with conventional infusion, infusion pump saves the energy of nurses and improves of the safety of infusion.
作者 王常畅
出处 《心血管病防治知识(学术版)》 2018年第1期60-61,共2页 Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
关键词 输液泵 硝酸甘油 心衰 Infusion pump Nitroglycerin Heart failure
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