近来可录光盘市场的利润丰厚,有许多人士在考虑自行建立生产可录光盘,然而要生产可录光盘的质量要求远比只读光盘高,因此在厂房与人员的规划上就要有长远的考虑。另外要注意的是各种只读光盘(CD- Audio,V-CD,CD-ROM,DVD-ROM)的生产是属于“接单式生产”(Production by Orders)而各种可录光盘(CD- R,DVD/R,DVD/RW,DVD-RAM)是属于“计划式生产”(Production by Schedule),两种光盘的生产与管理方式完全不相同,因此要将两个生产区域分离,最基本要达到不混片的要求。
According to the recent high profit margin to the recordable disc replication business, many individuals are considering to setup a new factory for the production of recordable disc. Here, I would like to describe the process from having feasibility study to product selling and present a general idea of production and sales.
China Mediatech